Please ... could be possible to setup the mailling list as "normal" mailling 
lists that with "Reply" just send the reply to the list and not to personal 
inbox .. ?

Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Dimensión Virtual
--- Begin Message ---
On Tuesday 04 August 2009 21:08:03 you wrote:
> > Maybe it's because we use a topology on witch ANYONE could directly reach
> > our GW's (at SIP Level), only our proxies, so for us (I'm always speaking
> > from the point of view of our arquitecture), it's not importat if you see
> > the IP's of the GW's on the replies (are OUR GW's, not anyone else)
> that is more or less true - even if your GW is not directly accessible,
> your proxy may have a flow that allow an attacker to route (through your
> proxy) calls to GW.

Only if we made a mistake on our proxies scripts ... by now .. we have not 
found any hole :-)

> Also, consider that in most of the case you do not have direct control
> of the GW (wholesale providers) and you do routing over public internet.
> >> Or if you are doing wholesale PSTN termination, you might want to hide
> >> the PSTN providers you are working with (business protection)..
> >
> > We hide our PSTN providers ... behind our GW's  :-)
> well, after all you do hide :P

Yes, I don't said that we do not did it ... just that we do no do it at proxy 
level, it's not it task (from our POV)

> I would not go for "broken"....I admit there are some issue with the
> dialog module (mainly related to the early dialogs - see the thread on
> devel list), but not critical ones

There more issues than the ones related to early dialogs, I'm follow the devel 
list about that.

Raúl Alexis Betancor Santana
Dimensión Virtual

--- End Message ---
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