
I am using OpenSIPs-1.5.1 version. I am trying to implement the dialog
module of it.
When I am firing the call, its dialog should be created, and it should be
stored in the database. Right !!
But my problem is that calls are working fine. The dialog is created
successfully but its not strong the dialog informations into the database. I
have done the following configuration in opensips.cfg file. Here I have also
attached opensips log.

  *Opensips.cfg file*
#-----------------dialog module urmi ------------
modparam("dialog", "dlg_flag",4 )
modparam("dialog", "enable_stats", 0)
#modparam("dialog", "hash_size", 4096)
modparam("dialog", "rr_param", "did")
modparam("dialog", "bye_on_timeout_flag", 0 )

modparam("dialog", "db_url", "mysql://opensips:opensip...@
modparam("dialog", "db_mode",1)
modparam("dialog", "db_update_period", 60)
modparam("dialog", "table_name", "dialog")
modparam("dialog", "dlg_match_mode", 0)
modparam("dialog", "default_timeout", 10800)
#modparam("dialog", "callid_column","callid")
modparam("dialog", "from_uri_column", "from_uri")
modparam("dialog", "from_tag_column", "from_tag")
modparam("dialog", "to_uri_column", "to_uri")
modparam("dialog", "to_tag_column", "to_tag")
modparam("dialog", "h_id_column", "hash_id")
modparam("dialog", "state_column", "state")
modparam("dialog", "start_time_column", "start_time")
modparam("dialog", "timeout_column", "timeout")

# ------------------------- request routing logic -------------------
if (is_method("INVITE"))
xdbg("\n\n---- Invite ----\n\n");

  if(create_dialog() )
xlog("L_INFO", " ------------------------------------------\n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n---- successfully created the dialog ----\n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n------------------------------------------\n\n");
xlog("L_INFO", " ------------------------------------------\n\n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n\n---- not created the dialog ----\n\n");
xlog("L_INFO", "\n\n------------------------------------------\n\n");


 *Opensips log ::*


Aug 19 18:41:16 [7286] DBG:dialog:build_new_dlg: new dialog 0x2aaaad5672f8
sip:60...@,ft=2520SIPpTag001) on hash 2021
Aug 19 18:41:16 [7286] DBG:core:parse_headers: flags=400
Aug 19 18:41:16 [7286] DBG:dialog:populate_leg_info: route_set , contact
sip:10...@, cseq 1 and bind_addrudp:
Aug 19 18:41:16 [7286] DBG:dialog:dlg_set_leg_info: set leg 0 for
0x2aaaad5672f8: tag=<2520SIPpTag001> rr=<> ct=<sip:10...@>
Aug 19 18:41:16 [7286] DBG:dialog:link_dlg: ref dlg 0x2aaaad5672f8 with 3 ->
Aug 19 18:41:16 [7286] DBG:rr:add_rr_param: adding (;did=5e7.707c22d1)

 ---- successfully created the dialog ----


  Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:core:forward_request: orig. len=758,
new_len=881, proto=1
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad55af90 with 1
-> 2
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad55af90
with 1 -> 1
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x2aaaad55af90
changed from state 1 to state 5, due event 1
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:dlg_onreply: dialog 0x2aaaad55af90 failed
(negative reply)
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad55af90 with 1
-> 0
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: ref <=0 for dialog
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list -
dlg 0x2aaaad55af90 [3007:97477440] with clid '1-2...@' and tags
'2472SIPpTag001' ''
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up

 Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:core:forward_request: orig. len=758,
new_len=881, proto=1
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad55af90 with 1
-> 2
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad55af90
with 1 -> 1
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:next_state_dlg: dialog 0x2aaaad55af90
changed from state 1 to state 5, due event 1
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:dlg_onreply: dialog 0x2aaaad55af90 failed
(negative reply)
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: unref dlg 0x2aaaad55af90 with 1
-> 0
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:unref_dlg: ref <=0 for dialog
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: destroing dialog
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:dialog:destroy_dlg: dlg expired or not in list -
dlg 0x2aaaad55af90 [3007:97477440] with clid '1-2...@' and tags
'2472SIPpTag001' ''
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:core:destroy_avp_list: destroying list
Aug 19 17:46:27 [6060] DBG:core:receive_msg: cleaning up


  Thanks for your attention.

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