I think this book is available through rapidshare in the following link:


On Wed, 2009-08-19 at 11:26 -0500, osiris123d wrote:
> Also a good idea is to read Flavio E. Goncalves book "
> http://www.packtpub.com/building-telephony-systems-with-openser/book
> Building Telephony systems with OpenSER ".  Though the book does deal with
> an old version of OpenSER it still has good documentation and examples.
> There is also a section on AVPOPS
> roger wilbert wrote:
> > 
> > Can anyone point me to documentation other than the module docs that can
> > explain how to AVP?  Not that the module docs don’t provide good
> > information. But it assumes knowledge that is missing from someone who is
> > not readily familiar with Opensips.
> > 
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