
I have a UAC registered from behind a NAT router.  I'm using all the
nat_traversal commands to handle that, along with Mediaproxy.  So far, so
good.  Outbound calls from the UAC work just fine.

The UAC doesn't like the inbound calls, however, because the domain of the
RURI is the public IP, not the private IP of the UAC itself.  It sees them
as non-local and responds with a 404.  I'd like to construct the RURI such
that the domain is the private IP from registration, not the public one.

It seems to me when I first started playing with the nat_traversal style
commands one difference was the way the contact field was stored in the
location table.  The new commands stored the public IP (post-fix_contact)
while the old commands stored the private IP (pre-fix_contact).  At the
moment I don't see the private IP at all in the location record.  Before I
can get it into the RURI I'm going to need it here somewhere.

Are there any comments on the 'proper' way to do all this?  Order of
commands, for example?  The documentation was a little thin on big-picture,
practical implementation.


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