
Ok. I need to have that forward() in my configuration the get answers
like 404, 486, 487 back to my asterisk. Reading your statements this
should not be possible since I use t_relay for the requests and the
replys should be routed by default.

I will make a trace and post it to the list. One with forward and the
other without.

BR and Thanks in advance


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu schrieb:
> Uwe,
> forward() is a function exclusivly used for REQUESTS - for replies, 
> nothing needs to be done as OpenSIPS will do it automatically:
> 1) if the requests was statefully forwarded (via t_relay() ), the 
> transaction will contain all the info to route back the reply
> 2) if the requests was statelessly forwarded (via forward() ), the VIA 
> stack (in received reply) will contain all the info to route back the reply
> Regards,
> Bogdan
> Uwe Kastens wrote:
>> Hi Bogdan,
>>>>  I need to route this
>>>> replys with an reply_route and forward them explicitly to the pstn gateway.
>>> and how do you do reply routing ?? replies are automatically routed 
>>> based on VIA stack and you cannot influence this from script.
>> ...
>> if (!t_relay()) {
>>   sl_reply_error();
>>  };
>> t_on_reply("1");
>> }
>> onreply_route[1]  {
>> xlog("L_DBG","========== route [1] t_on_failure msg-len from $si:$sp:
>> $ml \n$mb\n ==========\n");
>> forward("");
>> }
>> BR
>> Uwe
>>> Regards,
>>> Bogdan
>>>> This not as it should be?
>>>> BR
>>>> Uwe
>>>>> using forward() forces a stateless behaviour of OpenSIPS. To be able to 
>>>>> catch replies for a requests (what on_reply route does) it requires a 
>>>>> statefull approach. This is the reason it does not work for you.
>>>>> If you use t_relay() instead of forward(), you should be able to use 
>>>>> failure and onreply routes.
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> Bogdan
>>>>> Uwe Kastens wrote:
>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>> I am using opensips 1.5.1 and I have the problem, that busy messages are
>>>>>> not passed to the mediagw. Anything else is working (ACK etc.pp.). If I
>>>>>> route that message via forward("IP:port") to the media gw in on_replyto,
>>>>>> busy is processed correctly. If not, the busy is not send to the mediagw.
>>>>>> So I was wondering if I had to handle some replyto messages?
>>>>>> BR
>>>>>> uwe
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