Hi Duane,

In opensips 1.5.x, the usage of append_branch is slightly different than 
before. Actually its usage from failure_route was aligned  to the usage 
from request route.

See: http://www.opensips.org/Resources/DocsMigration14to15


Duane Larson wrote:
> I am running OpenSIPS version 1.5.1
> I am sure I found the append_branch command from someone's code I 
> found online.
> I did have voicemail working to where there was two-way audio.  I 
> thought I had solved everything, but then I came back from the weekend 
> holiday, tried to make a call between two natted devices and noticed 
> that I had broken that.  I forget what I did to make voicemail work, 
> but I will try and find out again.  I will do like you say and make 
> sure I am placing "use_media_proxy" in all the proper routes.  I will 
> post once I figure it out.  I hate it when people on this mailing list 
> figure it out and all the post is "Fixed it" without mentioning what 
> they did.
> On Thu, Sep 10, 2009 at 5:35 PM, Thomas Gelf <tho...@gelf.net 
> <mailto:tho...@gelf.net>> wrote:
>     osiris123d wrote:
>     > I am trying to use fix_nated_sdp("3", "ip of mediaproxy"0), but
>     I am sure I
>     > am placing it and using it in the wrong spot in my script.
>     Don't do that. If you are using fix_nated_sdp together with
>     mediaproxy,
>     you will for sure mess up something. Calling "use_media_proxy" in your
>     INVITE route, your reply route and also for your in-dialog ReINVITES
>     will automagically fix your SDP.
>     > failure_route[1] {
>     >   ...
>     >   append_branch();
>     What OpenSIPS version are you using? In recent versions append_branch
>     is not needed here.
>     Best regards,
>     Thomas Gelf
>     --
>      mail: tho...@gelf.net <mailto:tho...@gelf.net>
>      web: http://thomas.gelf.net/
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> *--*--*--*--*--*
> Duane
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