
I'm pretty new to OpenSIPS.  I've lurked on this list a bit and read
anything I could find, but I'm struggling with figuring things out.
It feels like there is a steep learning curve.  Right now I have been
able to register SIP devices to the proxy and place calls between
them, but that's about it.  I'm going to start off saying if I missed
some very basic documentation or a nice walk-through, please point me
in the right direction and I'll be on my way.  I'll also be happy to
create a nice tutorial when I get my setup working.  I think what I'm
trying to do should be very simple, but maybe not.

Currently, I have a group of Asterisk servers.  In front of the
Asterisk servers is a basic payware SIP proxy (I want to replace it as
it would be good having a database backend to make adding many routes
a lot easier.  The payware solution only has a web-based interface.).
The SIP proxy only has a handful of routing rules currently.  For

Any SIP traffic to an extension matching 555XXXX routes to Asterisk
server1, anything matching 444XXXX routes to Asterisk server2, and so

Right now I just want to replicate this configuration and from that
point, I would hope I could use that knowledge to add a large number
of specific routes - preferably being held in a SQL table.  I have
played around a bit with trying to add a lcr gateway and route (didn't
seem to do anything), and I've also seen mention of using dispatcher
or drouting, but I can't make heads or tails of how (I've seen the
"cookbook" but so far I haven't had any bit of success).

Even if I don't get a specific how-to, anything to point me in the
right direction would be greatly appreciated.



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