Hi list,

Ive done quite a bit of troubleshooting and ive found the switch runs clean
with not using dp_translate, but when we do the errors appear.

After a few thousand calls we start getting: (no errors before this)

Sep 18 00:09:13 sips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[68260]:
ERROR:dialplan:dp_get_svalue: no AVP or SCRIPTVAR found (error in scripts)
Sep 18 00:09:13 sips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[68260]:
ERROR:dialplan:dp_translate_f: invalid param 2
Sep 18 00:09:13 sips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[68260]: ERROR:core:do_assign:
no value in right expression
Sep 18 00:09:13 sips /usr/local/sbin/opensips[68260]: ERROR:core:do_assign:
error at line: 298

Backtrace shows:
#0  0x0000000801ff0211 in rule_translate (msg=0x6fe600, string={s =
0x80282a9c3 "1234569999", len = 10}, rule=Variable "rule" is not available.
) at dp_repl.c:192
192 memcpy(result->s + result->len, match.begin, match.len);

Were using sipP to test this, im setting the source and dest number manually
with a AVP var then having dp_translate run on it, its taking a 10 digit
number and turning it into 11 digits, we have about 45 rules loaded into the
database for the dialplan, with this particular dialplan ID their is 2 rules
total, we call dp_translate a total of 4 times for each new call.

vmstat is basically all 0's when dp_translate disabled, when enabled it
looks like:

0 9 0   2891M  2574M  1484   0   0   0  3737   0   0   0 2744 29807 11711 13
15 72
 1 7 0   2899M  2569M  1493   0   0   0  1983   0   0   0 2678 39221 11355
13 11 76
 0 8 0   2891M  2568M  1119   0   0   0  2821   0   0   0 2360 28331 10401
13 15 72
 0 8 0   2901M  2565M  1477   0   0   0  2086   0   0   0 2226 39722 9430 11
15 74
 1 8 0   2893M  2560M  1250   0   0   0  1993   0   0   0 2912 23983 12123
11 15 74
 4 6 0   2901M  2551M  1557   0   0   0  2035   0   0   0 3075 38446 13035
12 18 70
 0 9 0   2893M  2548M  1103   0   0   0  1877   0   0   0 2772 26050 11474
12 12 76
 0 8 0   2901M  2539M  1434   0   0   0   743   0   0   0 3289 34833 13759
8 17 75
 0 9 0   2893M  2534M   943   0   0   0  1533   0   0   0 3372 23843 14379
8 24 68
 2 7 0   2901M  2528M  1252   0   0   0  1207   0   0   0 2762 39615 11275
12 13 75
 0 8 0   2902M  2521M  1134   0   0   0   703   0   0   0 3364 18464 14069
6 18 76
 0 8 0   2901M  2514M  1670   0   0   0  1737   0   0   0 3771 17832 17211
1 16 82
 0 8 0   2902M  2508M  1212   0   0   0   803   0   0   0 3141 5263 13990  1
14 85
 0 8 0   2901M  2499M  1542   0   0   0  1241   0   0   0 3720 17120 16641
1 17 82
 0 7 0   2902M  2497M  1260   0   0   0  2027   0   0   0 2561 6328 11863  1
14 85
 0 7 0   2901M  2499M  1979   0   0   0  3653   0   0   0 2442 19121 11724
3 13 85
 1 8 0   2902M  2498M  1387   0   0   0  3062   0   0   0 2183 6172 10662  0
13 87

We have ran this at 5CPS and the switch will run fine for several thousand
calls, then at 60+ CPS and runs for several thousand calls as well, so it
appears to be a memory issue to me as when the total number of processed
calls goes up is when it dies on us.

Let me know what else I can do to test/debug on my side to help with this.

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