Never mind... Turns out I had complied revision 6274 but never installed it.
Installing it fixed the crashes.

- Jeff

On 10/15/09 3:29 PM, "Jeff Pyle" <> wrote:

> Hello,
> On 1.6 rev 6274 I see this error occur on the process that handles a
> reinvite from an Asterisk box after the call goes 200 OK.  Odd, because I've
> t_relayed calls to this box before without a problem.  But that was several
> revisions ago, and several script versions ago as well.
> CRITICAL:core:qm_debug_frag: qm_*: fragm. 0x82abf04 (address 0x82abf1c) end
> overwritten(c0c0c020, abcdefed)!
> A more complete log from debug=4 is attached.  There was nothing more after
> the CRITICAL error from this process before the whole thing crashed.
> The error seems to be 100% reproducible.
> - Jeff

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