Depends on your db_mode for the registrar.

On 01/14/2010 03:07 PM, Alan Frisch wrote:

> Using OpenSIPs 1.6.1 and have noticed a peculiar issue.
> If a subscriber has a value in the RPID column, then that value is
> changed to NULL it seems that OpenSIPs still retains the previous
> number.
> For example:
> If RPID column is NULL (initially) --->  if ($avp(s:rpid))) returns FALSE
> If RPID column is changed to eg. 1234567890 --->  if ($avp(s:rpid))
> returns TRUE and is 1234567890
> If RPID column is then changed back to NULL --->  if ($avp(s:rpid))
> returns TRUE and is 1234567890
> Is this a bug or a feature?  In either case, is there a way to get
> OpenSIPs to only use the current DB value?
> Thanks!
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