Hey Kiddo,

Someday, when you grow up, you may realise that someone was just 
trying to tell you - in a rather sagacious, terse manner - that the 
question you were asking was not really of a manageable or addressable 
scope, nor especially coherent.

You're actually much better off that way, rather than by having your 
question interrogated on a much more granular level by people who have 
vastly more experience and accumulated knowledge.

Check this document out:


In your case, I'm specifically thinking:


-- Alex

On 01/21/2010 07:58 AM, Slot Zero wrote:

> Dear All,
> I guess none of you have a decent reply as far as my request is concerned. Oh 
> yeah its idiots like IƱaki that prove this place to be a waste of time 
> especially when someone who is trying to get things working. As far as paying 
> consultants dude I am just starting out on my own ok fucking moron. Bogdan I 
> salute you for your efforts but this mother fucker has totally been an 
> asshole and a bad name on your/development group beautiful solution. Thanks 
> to Inaki I will be looking into something else to enable me to do what I 
> want. FUCK YOU INAKI. great waste of my time. Now go fuck yourself. So long.

Alex Balashov - Principal
Evariste Systems LLC

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