Hi there.
I tried to use mmgeoip.so with configuration from example
opensips 1.6.1

loadmodule "mmgeoip.so"
if(mmg_lookup("lon:lat",$si,$avp(lat_lon))) {
  xlog("L_INFO","Source IP latitude:$(avp(lat_lon)[0])\n");
  xlog("L_INFO","Source IP longitude:$(avp(lat_lon)[1])\n");

ls -la /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28543655 2010-01-25 11:15

I got some errors:
Jan 25 11:44:08 [10466] CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file,
line 300, column 26-43: syntax error
Jan 25 11:44:08 [10466] CRITICAL:core:yyerror: parse error in config file,
line 300, column 43-44: bad arguments for command <mmg_lookup>

What is wrong?

WBR, Leonid Nasedkin
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