Hello everyone,

I have a problem with opensips 1.6.1-notls, everything else worked fine 
but at this point i can not get the b2bua module (topology hiding 
scenario) to work.
Lately i have added the b2bua module and while testing Opensips crashes 
whenever a request hits b2b_init. I thought it could be an 
misconfiguration on my side,
but could not find anything wrong. I tried many things but could not 
find any solution, now i see there is also an open bug which describes 
the same problem:
Does anyone else have these issues or similar crashes with b2bua, or any 
ideas to verify if this could be a valid bug?

- *opensips crashes on reply recieved to b2bua - ID: 2937441

Looking forward to any ideas.

Best Regards

Max M.


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