
El 03/02/10 14:43, Magnus Burman escribió:
> Now I see what you're saying. I thought mediaproxy used the wrong port
> in the re-invite, while it is in fact not engaged at all and thus the
> original IP and port is sent on. That makes a lot of sense, thank you.
> According to the docs the engage_media_proxy should only be called once
> on the initial invite thou and after that use the dialog module to trace
> the dialog. Any suggestions as how to debug where it fails? I'm not
> getting any output in the syslog.

You are correct, the by calling engage_mediaproxy the dialog module 
should take care. However, it's surprising that this only happens 
sometimes, so it's harder to debug :( Is the syslog you pasted in your 
earlier mail the only output you get for that call? Any warning from the 
dialog module?


Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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