
I'm looking for a way to setup two groups of gws to route the traffic to 
with drouting. OpenSIPS shall use gws in second group only if all gws 
within first group failed. So it shall go over the groups sequentially 
but within the group, it's random. Think of it like second group 
contains expensive e.g. EC2 gateways.

But as you all know drouting does not do any rule fallback - once a rule 
is matched, it will use only the destinations from this rule and it will 
not try to re-match a different rule.
Also I find it kind of limiting that the priority field in drouting is 
considered only when the time selection is used for overlapping rules.

So it looks like I can't achieve this behavior with drouting in its 
current shape. Actually it would be sufficient for me that if all the 
gws in a rule (higher priority) fail then this rule (or its gws) be 
automatically included in a blacklist, so if you call again the next 
rule (minor priority) would be taken. Makes sense? Is there anything I 
could try?

Andrew Pogrebennyk

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