> Hi Bogdan,
> Here is the output requested.
> #0  0xb7573031 in pre_print_uac_request (t=0xb56156c0, branch=1,
> request=0xb75a10a0) at t_fwd.c:132
> (gdb) print request->dst_uri.s
> $1 = 0x0
> (gdb) print request->dst_uri.len
> $2 = -1
> (gdb)
> My route script for failure route scenĂ¡rios is:
> failure_route[1] {
>     if (t_was_cancelled()) {
>         exit;
>     }
>     # uncomment the following lines if you want to block client
>     # redirect based on 3xx replies.
>     ##if (t_check_status("3[0-9][0-9]")) {
>     ##t_reply("404","Not found");
>     ##    exit;
>     ##}
>     # Redirect busy calls to a media server
>     if (t_check_status("486")) {
>         #If there is an AVP called fwdbusy send to it
>         if(avp_db_load("$ru","$avp(s:fwdbusy)")) {
>             xlog("Redirect busy calls\n");
>             revert_uri();
>             $ru = $avp(s:fwdbusy);
>             xlog("forwarded to: $ru");
>             t_reply("181","Call Is Being Forwarded");
>             t_relay();
>             exit;
>         }
>         exit;
>     }
>     # Redirect unanswered calls to the media server
>     if (t_check_status("480|408")) {
>         #If there is an AVP called fwdnoansw send to it
>         if(avp_db_load("$ru","$avp(s:fwdnoansw)")) {
>             xlog("Redirect unanswered calls\n");
>             revert_uri();
>             $ru = $avp(s:fwdnoansw);
>             xlog("forwarded to: $ru");
>             t_reply("181","Call Is Being Forwarded");
>             t_relay();
>             exit;
>         }
>         exit;
>     }
> }
> Regarding the scenĂ¡rio, I'm trying to do an early media call (PRACK) with
> call forward no answer. Please, see the wireshark flow bellow.
> |Time     |       |     |
> |250.483  |         INVITE SDP ( g711U)           |SIP From:
> sip:1...@ <sip%3a...@> 
> To:sip:1...@<to%3asip%3a...@>
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.483  |         INVITE SDP ( g711U)           |SIP From:
> sip:1...@ <sip%3a...@> 
> To:sip:1...@<to%3asip%3a...@>
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.511  |         100 Giving a try              |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.511  |         100 Giving a try              |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.522  |         INVITE SDP ( g711U)           |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.522  |         INVITE SDP ( g711U)           |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.632  |         100 Trying|                   |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.632  |         100 Trying|                   |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.686  |         180 Ringing SDP ( g711U)          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.686  |         180 Ringing SDP ( g711U)          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.687  |         180 Ringing SDP ( g711U)          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.687  |         180 Ringing SDP ( g711U)          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.777  |         PRACK     |                   |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.777  |         PRACK     |                   |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.778  |         PRACK     |                   |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.778  |         PRACK     |                   |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.820  |         200 OK    |                   |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.820  |         200 OK    |                   |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |250.820  |         200 OK    |                   |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |250.820  |         200 OK    |                   |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |260.510  |         181 Call Is Being Forwarded          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> |260.510  |         181 Call Is Being Forwarded          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   <------------------  (5060)   |
> ###############################openSIPS crash
> |340.888  |         CANCEL    |                   |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |340.888  |         CANCEL    |                   |SIP Request
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |651.455  |         487 Request Terminated          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |651.455  |         487 Request Terminated          |SIP Status
> |         |(5060)   ------------------>  (5060)   |
> |651.961  |         487 Request Terminated          |SIP Status
> Thanks

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