
I explain the situation with more detail. But don’t is working the opensips

With the opensips

I can register phones (X-Lite), make calls, add, remove with the application

opensipsctl monitor

[cycle #: 4; if constant make sure server lives]

Server:: OpenSIPS (1.6.2-notls (i386/linux))

Now:: Thu Apr 15 09:35:01 2010

Up since:: Thu Apr 15 09:21:31 2010

Up time:: 810 [sec]

Transaction Statistics: 

tm:UAS_transactions = 3

tm:UAC_transactions = 0

tm:inuse_transactions = 0


Stateless Server Statistics: 

sl:sent_replies = 524

sl:sent_err_replies = 0

sl:received_ACKs = 0


UsrLoc Stats: 

usrloc:registered_users = 2

usrloc:location-users = 2

usrloc:location-contacts = 2

usrloc:location-expires = 0




With the Opensips Control Panel

Module USER

-          I can register phones (X-Lite), add, remove

-          “USER Management

o   Can see all user, with the options “All User”

o   When search the “Online USER” and put the boton ‘Search” , don't look
any register

-          System 

o   CDRViewer

§  don't look any register

o   Dialog

§  don't look any calls in progress

-          MySql

o   The user opensips work well with the default password

o   We can see the user in ./subscriber/username

o   Table in Opensips

§  +----------------------+

§  | Tables_in_opensips   |

§  +----------------------+

§  | acc                  | 

§  | active_watchers      | 

§  | address              | 

§  | aliases              | 

§  | carrierfailureroute  | 

§  | carrierroute         | 

§  | cdrs                 | 

§  | cpl                  | 

§  | dbaliases            | 

§  | dialog               | 

§  | dialplan             | 

§  | dispatcher           | 

§  | domain               | 

§  | domainpolicy         | 

§  | dr_gateways          | 

§  | dr_groups            | 

§  | dr_gw_lists          | 

§  | dr_rules             | 

§  | globalblacklist      | 

§  | grp                  | 

§  | gw                   | 

§  | imc_members          | 

§  | imc_rooms            | 

§  | lcr                  | 

§  | load_balancer        | 

§  | location             | 

§  | missed_calls         | 

§  | monitored_stats      | 

§  | monitoring_stats     | 

§  | nh_sockets           | 

§  | ocp_admin_privileges | 

§  | pdt                  | 

§  | presentity           | 

§  | pua                  | 

§  | re_grp               | 

§  | rls_presentity       | 

§  | rls_watchers         | 

§  | route_tree           | 

§  | silo                 | 

§  | sip_trace            | 

§  | speed_dial           | 

§  | subscriber           | 

§  | uri                  | 

§  | userblacklist        | 

§  | usr_preferences      | 

§  | version              | 

§  | watchers             | 

§  | xcap                 | 

§  +----------------------+

§  48 rows in set (0.00 sec)


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