Chris Maciejewski wrote:
> On 22 April 2010 18:00, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <> wrote:
>> Hi Chris,
>> running 2 opensips with different IPs ? because opensips saves in
>> location table its own socket (where the REGISTER was received), and if
>> the other server will try to use it, it will not recognize this socket
>> (as it is a different IP).
>> Before going further, note that multiple opensips  sharing  the same
>> location table has some flows (due how SIP works) - like if you are
>> using multiple interfaces, of different port ; also NAT traversal will
>> not work.
>> In the end, if you do not have NAT and using a single interface, you can
>> simply ignore those warnings.
>> Regards,
>> Bogdan
> Hi Bogdan,
> Thanks for clarification. I am aware due to NAT traversal etc.
> multiple SIP registrar servers sharing the same location table will
> not work.
> I was just worried this WARNINGs might have some negative impact, but
> in that case I will just ignore them.
If opensips finds a non-local socket in a usrloc records, it will fire 
the warning and use one of its own sockets for dealing with that contact.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu

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