Krunal Patel <> writes:

> HiThanks for your help.I have installed mysql-proxy.I have tested it for
> failover.It seems working.Thanks again..Krunal Patel

Hi krunal Patel,
I was read your post about failover of mysql. I still dont understand it.
Actually my need is to connect opensips with mysql that in other PC.
How can I do that?? I using opensips-1.6.1-notls.
My configuration is opensips on and mysql server on
I have been try this setting:
modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://root:***...@")
modparam("usrloc", "db_url", "mysql://root:***...@")
But I still get error :
ERROR:db_mysql:db_mysql_connect: driver error(2003): Can't connect to MySQL
server on '' (111)

Is there any solution???

thanks before.

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