Hi Dave

Thanks for the fix.

I went through your initial script and it looks very interesting.

I manage to get monit, Smonitor and MI to work without the script.
Misinterpreting the configurations ;-).

This is OK for now, but I am very interested in your solution.
I will go through the new script, as time permits, and adapt this to Debian and give you feedback.


On 14 Sep 2010, at 10:05 PM, Dave Singer wrote:

In the init script, the config check where it actually runs opensips (after running it with -c option) to check the config is very new and I just realized and fixed that it would sometimes not kill the test opensips after running it.
I attached my fixed version in case you are interested.

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 10:42 PM, Deon Vermeulen <vermeulen.d...@gmail.com > wrote:
Thank you very much Dave.

I'll look into this and give feedback.

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