Hello List,

I am using opensips 1.6.3 from svn with presence and pua_dialoginfo modules to 
supervise line status. I am facing a strange issue in the following scenario 
with 2 phones A and B with B monitoring A with a BLF key:

- phone A is on call, the corresponding BLF key is red on B's phone.
- A new call comes in for A. Here the BLF key blinks to indicate phone ringing.
- A does not take the call wich goes to voicemail. But then, the BLF key goes 
back to idle instead of red even if A is still on call.

I have checked the notifications going to phone B and it appears that when the 
second call arrives, phone B is receiving notifications with states trying, 
early, terminated.

So the issue is with the last state notification: it shoud be 'confirmed' 
instead of 'terminated' if phone A is still on call. 

Is there a way to force this in the config script ? Or is this an issue with 
the pua_dialoginfo module ? 

Thank you !

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