In addition, the uac_replace_from(display,uri); function does not seem to work 
either. I tested this function by putting: 

uac_replace_from("TEST", "sip:12...@"); 

immediately above the call to B2B_INIT_REQUEST and the outbound "From:" header 
remains unchanged (incorrect). 

Brett Woollum 

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Brett Woollum" <> 
To: "users-request" <> 
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 11:53:39 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific 
Subject: [OpenSIPS-Users] B2BUA "From" Header & Caller-ID Question 


I have a working implementation of the B2BUA modules for OpenSIPS. One problem 
I am having is that the B2BUA module doesn't seem to respect the "From:" header 
that I updated before B2B_INIT was called (at the end of the script). Before I 
call B2B_INIT, my script looks up the correct caller-id from a database and 
replaces the "From:" header with the new information. Here is that code: 

xlog("This is an external call..."); 
avp_db_query("select id from subscriber where username=\"$fU\" AND 
domain=\"\"", "$avp(s:subscriber_id)"); 
avp_db_query("select external_cid_name,external_cid_uri,external_cid_uri_domain 
from cid where subscriber_id=\"$avp(s:subscriber_id)\"", 
append_hf("From: \"$avp(s:external_cid_name)\" 

The resulting "From": header is perfect (it includes the new caller-id 
information) and works without problems when I don't use the B2BUA module. It 
seems as though the B2BUA module (which is called last in the script) does not 
respect the new header, and instead processes the call using whatever was in 
$fu when the script started. Unfortunately $fu is not writable, so I can't 
directly change it. 

What are some possible work-arounds to get the B2BUA module to create the new 
call but include the "From:" header that I've updated earlier in the script? 

Any ideas are greatly appreciated! 

Brett Woollum 

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