*Hi *
*i have the same problem.i download the newest version,but with no lucky,can
u tell how to solve it?*
*ha do* haloha201 at yahoo.com
*Mon Mar 22 11:40:43 CET 2010*

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Hi Alex

i try new opensips-cp and it work fine now

but i have problem with add new admin in opensips-cp webpage
step1: add new admin with name : cucku
step2: add successfull
step3: login with username cucku -- the issue is here, there is no
available tools for new admin which is added via webpage

the available tool for new admin is absent :(,where do i need to add
available tool for admin with name : cucku

the query from mysql :
mysql> select * from  ocp_admin_privileges\G;
*************************** 1. row ***************************
             id: 55
       username: admin
       password: admin
            ha1: d2abaa37a7c3db1137d385e1d8c15fd2
available_tools: all
    permissions: all
*************************** 2. row ***************************
             id: 56
     first_name: cucku
      last_name: cucku
       username: cucku
            ha1: 91730b420f600d8da7817d96c20a59b9
    permissions: NULL
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

No query specified

Thank you

--- On Thu, 3/18/10, Alex Ionescu <alex at opensips.org
<http://lists.opensips.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/users>> wrote:

From: Alex Ionescu <alex at opensips.org
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Problem with OpenSIPS Control Panel 4.0
To: "OpenSIPS users mailling list" <users at lists.opensips.org
Date: Thursday, March 18, 2010, 5:46 AM


Actually there were a few issues that were found and solved the last
few days. I hope you won't have anymore problems if you download the
new 4.0 tarball.

So, give it a try and let me know.



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