On 02/11/10 12:25, Deon Vermeulen wrote:
> I'm trying to setup NAT to NOT use MediaProxy when it detects that 2  
> devices are behind the same NAT Device, but rather have coms go  
> directly between them.

Just a warning in case you didn't consider this: do you want to support
random users you have no control over?
There's a good chance you'll run into someone who:

- is in the same network, but in different subnets so cannot talk
between clients (for example one is in building A in 192.168.0.X and the
other is in building B in 192.168.1.X with no connection between them
and the same public ip for nat)

- uses a router denying communication between the local users (most
hotspot-like wifi deployments)

As far as I know no stun/turn/ice/.... servers can help you here.
(please correct me if I'm wrong).
Of course, if it's only for your network that you maintain anyways, then
ignore this and go ahead :)


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