Thank you Dave.

From: Dave Singer <>
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <>
Sent: Fri, January 14, 2011 12:19:43 PM
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Some strange things with starting opensips

Adjust STARTOPTIONS to include "-p /var/run/" ( replace with the 
path to where you want the pid file )

There are other options you may want to adjust for starting opensips. Note that 
some options are overridden if set in the config file like listen address. Here 
is the list of options you can see when you run opensips with the help option -h
<path to opensips base install>/sbin/opensips -h
version: opensips 1.6.4-tls (x86_64/linux)
Usage: opensips -l address [-l address ...] [options]
    -f file      Configuration file (default 
    -c           Check configuration file for errors
    -C           Similar to '-c' but in addition checks the flags of exported
                  functions from included route blocks
    -l address   Listen on the specified address/interface (multiple -l
                  mean listening on more addresses).  The address format is
                  [proto:]addr[:port], where proto=udp|tcp and 
                  addr= host|ip_address|interface_name. E.g: -l locahost, 
                  -l udp:, -l eth0:5062 The default behavior
                  is to listen on all the interfaces.
    -n processes Number of child processes to fork per interface
                  (default: 8)
    -r           Use dns to check if is necessary to add a "received="
                  field to a via
    -R           Same as `-r` but use reverse dns;
                  (to use both use `-rR`)
    -v           Turn on "via:" host checking when forwarding replies
    -d           Debugging mode (multiple -d increase the level)
    -D           Do not fork into daemon mode
    -E           Log to stderr
    -T           Disable tcp
    -N processes Number of tcp child processes (default: equal to `-n`)
    -W method    poll method
    -V           Version number
    -h           This help message
    -b nr        Maximum receive buffer size which will not be exceeded by
                  auto-probing procedure even if  OS allows
    -m nr        Size of shared memory allocated in Megabytes
    -w dir       Change the working directory to "dir" (default "/")
    -t dir       Chroot to "dir"
    -u uid       Change uid 
    -g gid       Change gid 
    -P file      Create a pid file
    -G file      Create a pgid file


On Fri, Jan 14, 2011 at 7:20 AM, Chris Liu <> wrote:

Hi Anca,
>Thank you very much , i add this line to /etc/opensips/opensipsctlrc           

>STARTOPTIONS=" -f /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg"
>opensipsctl start use this configure file now. Thanks
>Do you know why I start with /etc/init.d/opensips start  , there is no 
> in /var/run ?
 From: Anca Vamanu  <>
>Sent: Fri, January 14, 2011 9:37:59 AM
>Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Some strange things with starting opensips
>Hi Chris,
>You need to set the path to the configuration file.
>You should edit file opensipsctlrc ( localed in etc/opensips/ ) and     set 
>STARTOPTIONS=" -f /etc/opensips/opensips.cfg" ( replace with the     path to 
>your configuration file).
>Anca Vamanu
>On 01/14/2011 06:26 AM, Chris Liu wrote: 
>Hi everyone,
>>We can use opensipsctl start and service opensips start to startup opensips, 
>>anybody show me the different of           these two ways?
>>On my CentOS system, when I use service opensips start tostartup           
>>system, no in /var/run and I can find           
>>but it will disapear in about 10 mins. If I           use opensipsctl         
>>start to start the system, /tmp/opensips_fifo and  are 
>>But interest thing is seems service opensips start doesn't           use the 
>>configure file. I changed the name of configure file           and try 
>>opensips start, It works with no           error! Anybody know which 
>>file be use by it?
>>[root@OpenSIP1/etc/opensips]# mv opensips.cfg opensips.cfg_
>>[root@OpenSIP1/etc/opensips]# opensipsctl stop
>>INFO: Stopping OpenSIPS : 
>>INFO: stopped
>>[root@OpenSIP1/etc/opensips]# opensipsctl start
>>INFO: Starting OpenSIPS : 
>>INFO: started (pid: 15088)
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