
What conference system would you recommend for me? Asterisk? SEMS? may be
some licensed software could be ok for me...i would like to heard some


2011/1/26 Anca Vamanu <>

> Hi Toyima,
> On 01/25/2011 06:38 PM, Toyima Dias wrote:
>> Thanks Anca,
>> To make transfers possibles, i would use REFER messages, and for this i
>> would need to use B2BUA module of opensips, rigth?
> VoIP phones can handle REFER messages, the problem is with the gateways,
> and this is why sometimes it is required to handle the REFER at the server
> and instead of forwarding it, replace it with connecting the party in a call
> to the new party from the server.
> What about conferences? For conferences is the same procedure (REFER
>> messages), but always handling a media b2bua, rigth?
> For conferences it is not enough to handle the signaling, you also need a
> conference bridge to distribute the media to more parties.
> Regards,
> --
> Anca Vamanu
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