Hi Guys,

Just to clarify a bit here - from OpenSIPS perspective, all LINUX distro are fully supported (like compiling and runing) and most of UNIX-like OS (BSD, SOLARIS, etc).

There is no difference is running OpenSIPS on Debian or RedHat - you just need to take care of the dependencies (packaging is different on the 2 distros) and the init script. Otherwise it is the same.

Again, OpenSIPS is not Debian-only supported/focused.


Jeff Pyle wrote:

Adrian is right. We started on a CentOS infrastructure with Opensips. It works, but it's a pain. We're migrating to a complete Debian infrastructure. We started with Debian because of Opensips, Mediaproxy and CDRtool. But now that we understand it we find it to be much more lightweight, configurable and just "easier" than CentOS and the other RedHat derivatives.

Is Debian "better" than CentOS? Not the question, and not the point. I can say in our experience it is far easier to manage Opensips-based systems in Debian than in CentOS. Xen is a lot more flexible, too, and we've made great use of that with Opensips.

- Jeff

From: Adrian Georgescu <a...@ag-projects.com <mailto:a...@ag-projects.com>>
Reply-To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>>
Date: Mon, 31 Jan 2011 11:35:13 -0500
To: OpenSIPS users mailling list <users@lists.opensips.org <mailto:users@lists.opensips.org>>
Subject: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] Installing OpenSIPS on Red Hat

You should use Debian in production as the software is developed on Debian. If you use Redhat you will always be behind new developments or any bug fixes as there might be nobody porting them to Redhat.


On Jan 31, 2011, at 5:28 PM, Toyima Dias wrote:

I've seen many information on how to install OpenSIPS in DEBIAN, but in my case i need to install it on Red Hat, i've found some information but not very well supported, i would like to have a very clean and stable installation for a very large and stable production server, is there any recommendations please?


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