Hi Jeff,
If you set the sst flag for an Invite, the sst module will force the SST
support, even if not present in the received INVITE - could you check
if the outbound INVITE has the SE and MIN-SE headers added ?
Jeff Pyle wrote:
I'm experimenting with the sst module once again. It's configured as
modparam("dialog|sst", "timeout_avp", "$avp(s:dialog_timeout)")
modparam("sst", "sst_flag", 6)
modparam("sst", "min_se", 30)
Dialogs are set for all calls.
Calls I sent contain the following header:
Session-Expires: 30
So far, so good. When I get a 200 OK from a carrier that supports
sst, I see the following headers:
Supported: timer
Session-Expires: 30;refresher=uas
(The 30 second expiration is an experimentally low value.) When I get
a 200 OK from a carrier that doesn't support sst, I don't see those
two headers. In this case it seems the sst module still sets the
dialog expiration to 30 seconds, after which the call goes poof.
Is that correct behavior? If neither end advertise support for sst,
and neither side is going to refresh it, it seems a bit strange the
sst module would still cause the dialog to expire at the expiration time.
- Jeff
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