Hi Stefano,

A better approach (without the need of DB) is to use the "get_dialog_info()" function. See:
The idea is that after the LB function, add the selected destination (stored in $dd variable) and the agent name into a dialog variable like:
   $dlg_val(dst) = $dd;
   $dlg_val(agent) = ??? ;

And when you have a 123 call for agent, search the to get the destination of the ongoing call to that agent:
   $var(x) = agent ??

where $var(dst) will hold the destination of the server holding agent's call.


Stefano Sasso wrote:
Hi Dave,

You might look at the dialog module. Check if what you need is stored in the
db for a dialog. You would need to have the db mode set to realtime.

As I said, dialog module stores what I need.
My problem is how to fetch that information to reach the right asterisk server.

Either way you would use avp_db_query to pull the needed info from the db.

Thanks for this hint. I'll try it asap.


On Fri, Feb 25, 2011 at 8:34 AM, Stefano Sasso <stesa...@gmail.com> wrote:
Hello folks,
 I have this load_balance situation:
opensips in front of 3 asterisk servers in a outbound only call-center.

When a agent places a call, opensips load balance through the three
Now, we need to use the "ExtensSpy" command from asterisk, dialing
something like ***123 (where 123 is the extension to spy). So,
opensips need to rewritehostport directly to the asterisk server which
is handling 123's conversation, without using load_balance.

I thought to get informations from the dialog database table, in fact
a row is like this:
caller_contact: sip:8...@aa.cc.dd.82:1029;transport=UDP
callee_contact: sip:xxxxxx...@aa.bb.cc.54

where 8002 is the caller extension and aa.bb.cc.54 is the asterisk
server involved in the conversation.

but... how can I get and use this information from opensips configuration?

thanks so much!


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