Hi Joel,

On 04/01/2011 03:29 PM, joel.oliveira wrote:
Hi all,

Having fought this problem for almost 2 days now. I have the next topology
on my system:

Client (Softphone Eyebeam) ->  Opensips 1.6.4-notls with virtual-ip ->  Cisco
Media GW ->  PSTN

When I place a call from a Client to a number on the PSTN, I prefix the
callee number with a number and deliver it to the the Cisco GW via dynamic
routing module.
(e.g. Client 5555 calls 6666, Opensips adds 44 and delivers the call to
Cisco making the callee number 446666).

Until now there is no problem, the problem starts when Cisco responses to
the Invite, with the 180 Ringing and the 200 OK with the Contact header with
the prefixed number 446666. Well, I don't want my client to see the prefixed
number so I need to change the Contact header of the returning SIP message
before delivering it to the client.

I tryed changing the Contact header on the reply_route but unfortenately
there is no way to access the $ct variable on the reply_route. I also tryed
to have a b2b logic in it, but after testing it I continued to received the
prefixed number in the Contact header.

Does anybody has crossed the same problem as me? If so, does anyone has any
idea on how to solve my problem? Don't get me wrong but the calls are
delivered all right, it's only a matter of information that I don't want to
show to my end-user.

My Opensips script is available here:

Thanks in Advance,
Joel Oliveira

I see in your script you tried to remove and add a new contact hdr - did it work? Did you end up in with the xlogs() showing that the script execution goes into the "if" block?

Also, I see the condition:
if($((avp(s:ct_gw){uri.username}){s.substr,5,4}) == )

But the ct_gw AVP is never set :(....and there is no right side in the condition :)

maybe you could try to "catch" the contacts with username part in onreply route as:
        if ( $(ct.fields(uri){uri.username})=="" ) {.....}


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS eBootcamp - 2nd of May 2011
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