Hi guys,

Actually it will be great to have that patch tested to know for sure if the problem is solved. I never got a 100% confirmation from Andrew, but maybe Piotr can test and confirm.

Thanks and regards,

On 04/05/2011 04:58 PM, Andrew Pogrebennyk wrote:
Hi Piotr,
This sounds familiar to the problem I experienced some time ago - make sure to check comments here: https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&atid=1086410&aid=2940556&group_id=232389

I haven't been able to replicate that setup to confirm that the attached patch works. You are welcome to try it though :) Note RFC states it clearly that if no response has been received from the UAS at all, we should not attempt to send a CANCEL there.

But it seems that in your case you received some provisional response so the issue has to do with the order in which CANCEL is fired - exactly what the patch is intended to fix.

On 05.04.2011 15:56, Piotr Sobolewski wrote:
I'm having problem with specific gateway to which OpenSIPS sends
INVITE and then another INVITE (CallForward on no Aswer).
The  problem is when after sending first INVITE to gateway (without
getting final response), OpenSIPS hits failure route and then sends
another INVITE (with different RURI) toward gateway before CANCEL is
sent, so the gateway responds to second INVITE with "482 Request
merged" (and gateway does not attempt to make second connection).
Is there a way to send CANCEL before sending second INVITE ?

Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS eBootcamp - 2nd of May 2011
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