Hi again,

I missed the part where you said you increased the private memory to 100M :) . The dr_reload command fetches one chunk at a time - you can modify the number of rows fetched by setting fetch_rows parameter in dr_module .But there could also be a leak if you say that this happens after a couple of reloads. I suggest you to do a monitoring of the private memory for the FIFO process. You can use the following command:

/opensipsctl fifo get_statistics pkmem: | grep pkmem:1-/

and run this with a script and collect the data.
You can also use OpenSIPS-CP to monitor the pkgmem_real_used statistic.


Anca Vamanu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 04/21/2011 04:56 PM, thrillerbee wrote:
I'm trying to track down the source of the following errors in syslog:

/usr/local/sbin/opensips[25490]: WARNING:core:fm_malloc: Not enough free memory, will atempt defragmenation /usr/local/sbin/opensips[25490]: ERROR:core:db_allocate_rows: no memory left /usr/local/sbin/opensips[25490]: ERROR:db_postgres:db_postgres_convert_rows: no private memory left

What makes this even more unusual is that it will print these errors at almost exactly 30-min intervals for several hours and then just stop. For example, last night, it printed the above errors at:
and then it stopped...

I see no errors in postgresql logs and I haven't yet found any issues with the actual performance of OpenSIPS. I have increased private memory to 100MB and continue to see this randomly. This OpenSIPS instance is using drouting module with about 16,000 lines in the dr_rules table.

Any advice would be appreciated to help narrow down the source of these messages.


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