
ps aux --forest | grep opensips
that will show you parent and child processes in tree diagram and if any
opensips master process is actually responsible for so many of them.
I agree that it is probably being spawned many times with a cron job, loop
in the init script or a service like monit.


On Sat, Apr 30, 2011 at 12:53 PM, Bret McDanel <>wrote:

> On Sat, 2011-04-30 at 19:37 +0100, Stanisław Pitucha wrote:
> > You mean that fifo ps returns a low number of processes? How are you
> > starting up opensips? What kind of scripts / process management are
> > you using?
> >
> > I would guess that something you use to start up opensips is not
> > working as you expect and keeps respawning it all the time. Of course
> > new processes won't stay around for long because they'll try to bind
> > on some ports which are already taken. But if you're respawning often
> > enough, the total count could go into thousands.
> >
> The extra processes are because it is forking doing something, it is not
> multiple instances being started like you suggested.  They  all have the
> same parent ID.
> ps auxww | grep opensips | wc -l
> the list keeps growing.  And if I kill opensips most die but not all,
> and those are only terminated with a kill -9.
> I show about 7 with opensipsctl ps but hundreds (it constantly grows
> they never die).
> They are clearly blocking somewhere, and it cannot be a syscall because
> a kill -9 cant take those out.  I am about to dig in and try to find out
> where and more importantly why.
> I start opensips fork=no logstderr=yes debug=10 with only a -f and -P
> option in a standard shell.
> --
> Trixter aka Bret McDanel
> website:
> pgp key:
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