
I've been testing the 1.7 branch over the weekend and I found some issues with 
the Debian packaging:

- Some packages depend on -dev libraries when they shouldn't
- Old Debian standards version
- No TLS by default? [1]
- Some scripts have /bin/sh in the shebang, but Debian Squeeze (stable) uses 
dash instead of sh, which doesn't provide the same features
- Python module is not built [2]

Looking at http://www.opensips.org/Development/Development I couldn't find who 
is in charge of the Debian packaging, so if there are no objections I'd like to 
give some love to it :-)

[1]: Is there any reason why we don't build the Debian package with TLS by 
default? Feels very inconvenient if someone wants to test it but the binaries 
don't have support for it.

[2]: The Python module is not built and it lacks documentation. Should we build 

Thanks and regards,

Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
AG Projects

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