I just recently started having an issue where a single device is registering multiple times so the device can be registered X amount of times. This shouldn't be happening. I think it is just happening with my Snom phones. Here is a look at the Location table

Proxy02:~# opensipsctl db show location
| id | username | domain | contact | received | path | expires | q | callid | cseq | last_modified | flags | cflags | user_agent | socket | methods | sip_instance |
| 231491 | 9013349021 | irock.com | sip:9013349021@ | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 22:38:28 | 1.00 | 3c26702188f3-wg9ggov3glo6 | 3201 | 2011-10-31 21:38:28 | 0 | 0 | snom360/8.4.18 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | NULL | <urn:uuid:07c9b7b1-5952-4c4b-a166-971da65334c2> | | 1128 | 102 | test.com | sip:1...@173.xxx.xxx.111:5060 | NULL | NULL | 1969-12-31 18:00:00 | 1.00 | dfjrewr12386fd6-...@opensips.mi | 1 | 1969-12-31 18:00:00 | 0 | 0 | OpenSIPS MI Server | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 231496 | 9013349020 | coolbeans.com | sip:vpbidjfg@ | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 21:57:15 | 0.38 | 801baf3287bd4f43929c88f07c89c9ea | 30 | 2011-10-31 21:47:15 | 0 | 0 | Blink 0.2.7 (Windows) | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | NULL | NULL | | 231497 | 9012732005 | coolbeans.com | sip:9012732005@;transport=udp;registering_acc=coolbeans_com | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 21:57:52 | 0.38 | 581f45098c015864a2198943707b017c@0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 | 4 | 2011-10-31 21:47:52 | 0 | 0 | Jitsi1.0-beta1-nightly.build.3689Windows 7 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | NULL | NULL | | 1341 | 100 | test.com | sip:1...@173.xxx.xxx.111:5062 | NULL | NULL | 1969-12-31 18:00:00 | 1.00 | dfjrewr12386fd6-...@opensips.mi | 1 | 1969-12-31 18:00:00 | 0 | 0 | OpenSIPS MI Server | NULL | NULL | NULL | | 231495 | 9013349020 | coolbeans.com | sip:9013349020@;line=2j0ev89a | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 21:56:55 | 1.00 | 4770263c90d3-d2fa1qumckis | 26 | 2011-10-31 21:46:55 | 0 | 0 | snom870/8.3.6 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | 7999 | <urn:uuid:595276e7-87d5-4917-addc-f7c173391da8> | | 231494 | 9012732005 | coolbeans.com | sip:9012732005@;line=01yfa297 | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 21:53:05 | 1.00 | 2970263c2350-rhkeg5rfn9kl | 1248 | 2011-10-31 21:43:05 | 0 | 0 | snom821/8.4.32 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | 7999 | <urn:uuid:8cc4eca7-3db7-410b-87a9-000413452240> | | 231499 | 9013349020 | coolbeans.com | sip:9013349020@;line=2j0ev89a | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 22:01:55 | 1.00 | 4770263c90d3-d2fa1qumckis | 28 | 2011-10-31 21:51:55 | 0 | 0 | snom870/8.3.6 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | 7999 | <urn:uuid:595276e7-87d5-4917-addc-f7c173391da8> | | 231498 | 9012732005 | coolbeans.com | sip:9012732005@;line=01yfa297 | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 21:58:05 | 1.00 | 2970263c2350-rhkeg5rfn9kl | 1251 | 2011-10-31 21:48:05 | 0 | 0 | snom821/8.4.32 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | 7999 | <urn:uuid:8cc4eca7-3db7-410b-87a9-000413452240> | | 231493 | 9013349020 | coolbeans.com | sip:9013349020@;line=2j0ev89a | NULL | NULL | 2011-10-31 21:51:55 | 1.00 | 4770263c90d3-d2fa1qumckis | 24 | 2011-10-31 21:41:55 | 0 | 0 | snom870/8.3.6 | udp:173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 | 7999 | <urn:uuid:595276e7-87d5-4917-addc-f7c173391da8> |

Here is a capture of a Snom registering

U 2011/10/31 20:35:30.350428 -> 173.XXX.XXX.107:5060
REGISTER sip:coolbeans.com SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK-kj7ofqn7s2eo;rport.
From: "John 273-2005" <sip:9012732...@coolbeans.com>;tag=haeihsr4cy.
To: "John 273-2005" <sip:9012732...@coolbeans.com>.
Call-ID: 2970263c2350-rhkeg5rfn9kl.
CSeq: 1204 REGISTER.
Max-Forwards: 70.
Contact: <sip:9012732005@;line=5dzmt6sw>;reg-id=1;q=1.0;+sip.instance="<urn:uuid:8cc4eca7-3db7-410b-87a9-000413452240>";audio;mobility="fixed";duplex="full";description="snom821"
User-Agent: snom821/8.4.32.
Allow-Events: dialog.
Supported: path, gruu.
Authorization: Digest username="9012732005",realm="coolbeans.com",nonce="4eaf4d00e88638b704039f4cfc50dfde5b20def7",uri="sip:coolbeans.com",qop=auth,nc=00000001,cnonce="7308dbbc",response="8aebd2aee
Expires: 600.
Content-Length: 0.

U 2011/10/31 20:35:30.438157 173.XXX.XXX.107:5060 ->
SIP/2.0 200 OK.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK-kj7ofqn7s2eo;rport=49466.
From: "John 273-2005" <sip:9012732...@coolbeans.com>;tag=haeihsr4cy.
To: "John 273-2005" <sip:9012732...@coolbeans.com>;tag=90ecd6ebfaa7dfa0f1f8f06360e22e19.ca1d.
Call-ID: 2970263c2350-rhkeg5rfn9kl.
CSeq: 1204 REGISTER.
Contact: <sip:9012732005@;line=5dzmt6sw>;q=1;expires=600;pub-gruu="sip:9012732...@coolbeans.com;gr=urn:uuid:8cc4eca7-3db7-410b-87a9-000413452240";temp-gruu="sip:tgruu.AUMBXmIAQWA dqbnxywbczanca15mcrm8xxxrczjfa31th15ojkmeauufwgppcrmwbbvqd2qcqzdsrx5aygesfghhuld+aubjbeeawmydqmcauafxzafczqmtav1mav0hwbtwcwzdfj0jg...@173.xxx.xxx.107:5060;gr", <sip:9012732005@;li
ppcrmwbbvqd2qcqzdsrx5aygesfghhuld+aubjbeeawmydqmcauafxzafczqmtav1mav0hwbtwcwzdfj0jg...@173.xxx.xxx.107:5060;gr", <sip:9012732005@;transport=udp;registering_acc=coolbeans_com>;q=0.3 8;expires=29, <sip:9012732005@;transport=udp;registering_acc=coolbeans_com>;q=0.38;expires=570.
Server: Aethercommunications SIP Proxy.
Content-Length: 0.

Any clue as to what could be wrong?

Here is a capture of a Blink client registering. The only real difference I see is that Blink doesn't have GRUU supported in it.

U 2011/10/31 20:59:44.653225 -> 173.XXX.XXX.107:5060
REGISTER sip:coolbeans.com SIP/2.0.
Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;rport;branch=z9hG4bKPj830a4845ef764cf5bab8da258fbf6550.
Max-Forwards: 70.
From: "9013349020" <sip:9013349...@coolbeans.com>;tag=221ab2aa6cd643bd916499cef59fb7e2.
To: "9013349020" <sip:9013349...@coolbeans.com>.
Contact: <sip:vpbidjfg@>.
Call-ID: 801baf3287bd4f43929c88f07c89c9ea.
Expires: 600.
User-Agent: Blink 0.2.7 (Windows).
Authorization: Digest username="9013349020", realm="coolbeans.com", nonce="4eaf52ae5e118b6c2c21d7a441fae23ad6ce08fe", uri="sip:coolbeans.com", response="a1a01a41a57a163b078c4be7cd120661", cnonce="9
9202526fad0443090fbd03bfdef9466", qop=auth, nc=00000001.
Content-Length: 0.
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