
About Call Control :

You need to setup the following components:

   * OpenSIPS callcontrol module, version >=1.5 ==>  It's OK.
   * Call Control application (this software)
   * CDRTool rating engine, version >=6.7.0 ==>

     - The RatingEngine IP address
     - The mysql connection details to cdrtool, radius, opensisps, siptrace and
       mediaproxy MySQL databases, which are described in the following sections
       of this document
     - The mediaDispatcher address

This is a cdrtool documtn.

But, I don't used radius, mediaproxy. How does cdrtool work???

When I input command "start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --pidfile /var/run/ratingEngine.pid --exec /var/www/CDRTool/scripts/ratingEngine.php"

It always display error.

Database error for query select `value` from memcache where `key` = 'destinations': ()Database DB_opensips error: Table 'opensips.trusted_peers' doesn't exist (1146) select * from trusted_peers Database error for query select * from billing_profiles order by name: ()Database error for query select *,
        UNIX_TIMESTAMP(startDate) as startDateTimestamp,
        UNIX_TIMESTAMP(endDate) as endDateTimestamp
        from billing_rates_history
order by name ASC,destination ASC,startDate DESC: ()Database error for query select * from billing_holidays order by day: ()Database error for query select * from billing_enum_tlds: ()PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_setsid() in /var/www/CDRTool/library/rating_server.php on line 81

How to solve this problem??

I want to used opensips, call_control, rtpproxy, mysql and cdrtool, But I don't want to used mediaproxy and radius.
I need billing system with opensips.

Thanks for your support.


On 2011年11月04日 10:06, Nick wrote:

So, I used rtpproxy + callcontrol + CDRTOOL . Is it OK???
In Document, I don't this part.

Thanks for your support.

On 2011年11月04日 07:08, Saul Ibarra Corretge wrote:
On Nov 2, 2011, at 5:08 AM, Nick wrote:


I see document. In opensips, it has call_control this module.
But it can't support rtpproxy, only support media-proxy

If I want to a billing system for opensips.
Can you give me a another suggest??

CallControl doesn't require MediaProxy to operate, you may use any other media relaying software.


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