I am use the B2B modules with the topology hiding scenario and
periodically see the following error in my opensips log:

ERROR:b2b_entities:b2b_tm_cback: No dialog found reply 200 for method BYE

I did a capture to find out what was happening and it appears that
after receiving a BYE opensips will correctly forward the BYE but not
the subsequent 200 OK to the BYE (and I get the error message above).

This causes the side that sent the BYE to retransmit and I can then
see these retransmits in the main opensips route. Currently I have the
main route sending a 200 OK for any BYE with a totag to catch these

I have also seen a few occurrence where if a 200 OK for an INVITE
happens right before a BYE from the other side that the ACK for the
200 OK will also not be correctly routed using the B2B.

It seems like the B2B is tearing down the session a bit to quickly, is
there any way to adjust how long a B2B session will linger?



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