Hello Duane,

It seems the dialog module still sees the caller leg's initial contact ( with private IP), as the Options pings as well as the BYE when terminating the call are generated with the caller's original contact.

Can you please, privately, send to me your OpenSIPS script so I can take a look ? Also, it would help a lot if you could send me the full OpenSIPS debug log for the call where the Options messages are generated to the private IP.


Vlad Paiu
OpenSIPS Developer

On 03/20/2012 05:00 PM, Duane Larson wrote:

I did make that one change.  Thanks for the info.

I still have the same issue. Here is a NGREP of the client registering and then calling someone.


You will see that all messages to the softphone client are good except for the OPTIONS keepalive messages.

Here is how the softphone shows up in the location table

| 13808 | 9XX6XX6XX4 | irock.com <http://irock.com> | sip:abjtcqvr@ <http://sip:abjtcqvr@> | sip:9XX6XX6XX4@ <http://sip:9XX6XX6XX4@> | NULL | 2012-03-20 10:01:28 | 0.38 | 9111814c105f4183a0cff673dcf55389 | 2 | 2012-03-20 09:51:28 | 0 | 64 | Blink 0.2.7 (Windows) | udp:50.XXX.XXX.156:5060 | NULL | NULL


In my INVITE route I do my NAT stuff before calling create_dialog()

                if (client_nat_test("7")) {
append_hf("P-hint: route(3)|setflag7,forcerport,fix_contact\r\n");

and then further down the script I do


I'm not saying this is a bug because its very possible I have something misconfigured. Would just like to figure out what is wrong.

On Tue, Mar 20, 2012 at 4:34 AM, Vlad Paiu <vladp...@opensips.org <mailto:vladp...@opensips.org>> wrote:

    Hello Duane,

    Aside from the script miss-configurations that Saúl mentioned,
    please make sure that within your script, you first make
    alterations to NAT-ed contacts in INVITEs, and only after should
    you call create_dialog(), so that the dialog module gets the
    chance to see the modifications.


    Vlad Paiu
    OpenSIPS Developer

    On 03/20/2012 10:12 AM, Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote:


        On Mar 19, 2012, at 10:34 PM, duane.lar...@gmail.com
        <mailto:duane.lar...@gmail.com> wrote:

            I don't think I am having any other issues. I used the
            "Bye on timeout" option very shortly before version 1.7
            came out. I don't think I am doing anything when it comes
            to NOTIFY. This is a test user that is behind a Vontage
            router and for whatever reason the Blink client isn't
            finding out its Public IP. When he calls someone you can
            see from the NGREP that OpenSIPS keeps sending OPTIONS to
            the private IP and then after a while OpenSIPS sends BYES
            to both clients, but since the BYE for the caller is sent
            to a 192.168 private address he thinks he is still on the
            call even after the callee got the BYE and hung up. What
            version of OpenSIPS are you currently running?

            This is what I have configured when it comes to Register
            and Invites with NAT

        Blink will not attempt to put your public IP address in the
        Contact header. It's unreliable, so your server should take
        care of fixing the NAT.

            FOR REGISTERS
            if(!search("^Contact:[ ]*\*")&&  client_nat_test("7")) {

            fix_nated_contact(); #### - This is needed so that the
            contact address
            #### - in the location table never has a private
            #### - IP address in it

        ^^^ This comment here (and the associated code) is wrong. You
        must not fix the contact for a REGISTER. Instead, just call
        fix_nated_register, which will populate the received field.



            $avp(rcv) = "sip:" + $tU + "@" + $si + ":" + $sp;

            FOR INVITES
            if (client_nat_test("7")) {

            fix_nated_contact(); #### - This is needed so that the
            contact address
            #### - in the location table never has a private
            #### - IP address in it


        Your problem doesn't seem to be related to bugs in the dialog
        module, but to miss-configuration.


        Saúl Ibarra Corretgé
        AG Projects

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