
I'm trying to implement the following scenario (Attached REGISTER.TXT) using 
OpenSIPS. The UA needs to register with the core IMS and wait for a 200OK, it 
cannot respond to the 401 sent from the server. Therefore, I want to put 
OpenSIPS in the middle to handle the authentication part with the core IMS and 
once this is done, it will respond back to the UA. What is the best approach to 
do this? knowing that OpenSIPS needs to :

1) Add some P-Headers to the original REGISTER sent by UA.
2) Relay back to the UA some P-Headers received in the 200OK of the IMS server.
3) Further messages can be sent from UA to IMS and vice versa for the same 
dialog, e.g starting some services, etc.

Should OpenSIPS be configured as a B2B? Proxy? or a combination of the two?

Thank you in advance for your answers.

Caller              OpenSIPS                 Core IMS (domain)
    |                     |                        |
    | REGISTER alice@domain                        |
    | From: alice@domain  |                        |
    | To: bob@domain      |                        |
    |-------------------->|                        |
    |                     |REGISTER alice@domain   |
    |                     |From: alice@domain      |
    |                     |To: alice@domain        |
    |                     |(Add some P-Headers)    |
    |                     |----------------------->|
    |                     |                        |
    |                     |  401 auth required     |
    |                     |<---------------------- |
    |                     |                        |
    |                     |                        |
    |                     | REGISTER w/ auth       |
    |                     |----------------------->|
    |                     |                        |
    |                     |  200 OK (Headers)      |
    |  200 OK             |<---------------------- |
    |<--------------------|                        |
    |(Relay same headers) |                        |
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