Hello All!

2012/8/13 Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <bog...@opensips.org>:
> Hello all,
> We plan to have 1.8.1 minor version released by Wednesday 15th of August.
> Once again, a minor release includes only bug fixes (on the 1.8 major
> branch).

Great news!

Speaking of me - so far I've got only three patches in a queue which
could be interested for you. Two of them are just cherry-picked from
trunk (so I'm not sure whether this should bother you or not). The
remaining one is rather big one - a completely rewritten Oracle DB
module, which is still in a w.i.p. stage and still not ready for a

Just for the record - currently available db_oracle module works fine
now (all our critical patches were already merged - thanks for that!)
so this one isn't required for normal operation. We plan to split it
into smaller patches and improve it a bit - it contains some hardcoded
magic and several questionable changes thus it's not ready for mass

First two patches (simply backported from trunk so technically
OpenSIPS already has them):

* https://github.com/lemenkov/OpenSIPS/commit/0c03a3e
* https://github.com/lemenkov/OpenSIPS/commit/a8aebfb

Oracle-related one (not ready yet - just for the reference)

* https://github.com/lemenkov/OpenSIPS/commit/56b1863

And a complete tree (with unrelated stuff):

* https://github.com/lemenkov/OpenSIPS/commits/1.8.x-ipport

PS I still hope that you will consider switching OpenSIPS to Git someday.
With best regards, Peter Lemenkov.

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