I have been running CDRTool for a long time (about 2 or 3 years) and today
I moved the mysql database over to a new server.  For some reason when I
log into CDRTool I see the following at the bottom of the screen

MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'opensips.active_sessions' doesn't exist) Session

then if I click the "search" button it says

MySQL error: 1146 (Table 'opensips.radacct201211' doesn't exist) Session

The only big change that I made was in the global.inc for CDRTool I set the
$Host variables to point to "server.dns.name:19994".  So the only real
difference is that I have added a port that isn't 3306.

I don't see any issues with CDRTool connecting to the database but I have
no clue why it now wants to try and look in the opensips database for the
active_sessions and radacct201211 table.

Like I say all I did was move over to a new mysql server so the configs for
freeradius and cdrtool didn't change except for pointing to the new server.

I went ahead and upgraded to the latest version of CDRTool and I still see
the issue.  So the upgrade didn't help any.
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