On Fri, Nov 2, 2012 at 3:49 PM, Rudy <r...@dynamicpacket.com> wrote:

> Bogdan,
>  Its great to hear all these ideas for 1.9 from the community. One thing
> that may also be useful, is some enhancements to the rabbit_mq module. It
> would be great if this module could also push/send events to a any rabbitmq
> queue or exchange (maybe based on an avp) . Another thing that may be worth
> exploring is being able to send ACC via a rabbitmq event. What do you think?

I just wanted to throw in my $0.02 here.. And I apologize for pandering.
Once I got on it, I realized there's a lot around this that I'd like to

I think this is a great idea. Both being able to dynamically control which
rabbit queue to send and to have it native in acc.

** What about having native acc callbacks in the routing script? that'd
make adopting new technologies for accounting really easy. Like this:

on_dialog_complete {

on_dialog_established {

(these new_tech_* funcs are just examples of new modules in the future,
like couchbase or perhaps a REST query.

I'm not entirely sure how to go about doing it. But the idea is that the
custom "acc callback" routes would be called on specific acc events that
would cause acc records to be written. I recognize what I posted above is
more of a dialog callback. For my cases specifically, I'd use the cdr flag,
and I'd like to know when a call ends. Then I'd write the acc details to
the "new technology" backend. So I'm not sure if this is an acc feature or
a dialog feature (or perhaps some combination of both).

I'd probably want all the dialog data in a single object (like maybe a json
object) or something else easily passable and parsable. A $dlg_json
variable would be really awesome for this purpose. I image if cdr_flag was
set, it'd have the duration and all in there as well (all the normal stuff
it'd be writing to the db).

Bah, Sorry about that, I really went on.

1. new $dlg_json variable that stores all data that would normally be
written by a acc write (and maybe some additional dialog specific data)
2. new special routes to act as acc module callbacks to be called at
specific acc events, which should also work with the cdr_flag.

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