Hi, Jock

This doesn't seem to be an OpenSIPS issue, but rather a regular expression one :). The 'replace' and 'substr' functions in OpenSIPS use the POSIX regular expressions[1]. I am not an regexp master, and I don't know how they work in perl either, so I can't conclude if you can achieve this in OpenSIPS, but I think the link below is a good starting point.

[1] http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man7/regex.7.html

Best regards,

Razvan Crainea
OpenSIPS Core Developer

On 03/15/2013 03:23 PM, Jock McKechnie wrote:

I've got a bit of an oddity. We have a TDM media convertor putting a
$00 (NUL) at the end of the Remote-Party-ID header which is killing
one of our proprietary (and unfixable) SIP stacks. For the life of me
I can't figure out how to get OpenSIPS to strip this - it appears like
the textops features don't work with a hex character like it would in,
say, perl... but I might be using the tooling completely wrong.

I've tried the following without apparent success:
if (is_present_hf("Remote-Party-ID")) {
    # Either:

    # Or:
    replace("\x00", "");

Am I using this completely incorrectly? Or does OpenSIPS not work
escape hex characters in this manner? Or not at all?

My thanks for your time!

  - Jock

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