Hello Everyone,

We have setup opensips to work with freeradius using the CDTool documentation
however, some of the fields that are filled in the the radius log
file, for example:

Service-Type = SIP
Sip-Response-Code = 200
Sip-Method = Bye
Event-Timestamp = "Apr 29 2013 01:54:11 EDT"
Sip-From-Tag = "as3469a78c"
Sip-To-Tag = "as50c4af01"

is not showing up in the DB:

| servicetype | sipresponsecode | sipmethod | sipfromtag | siptotag |
| SIP         |               0 |           |            |          |

It's not everything, things like servicetype, Acct-Session-Id, and User-Name,
are consistent with the raidus log files. The dictionaries, and sql.conf
are taken from CDRTool project.

On a slightly unrelated, I had to add the following field to radacct schema
included with CDTTool, to stop some sql errors:

-- Added:
-- `FramedProtocol` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',
--  `XAScendSessionSVRKey` varchar(15) NOT NULL default '',

PS Added the modification to the sql procedures as well...

Thanks in Advance,


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