I am using the Dispatcher module on OpenSIPS version 1.8.2-notls.
The destination field for 'Set 2' is sip:sipipgw.magrathea.net (which
resolves in DNS to two different IP addresses).
The code in my failure_route when a call has failed to reach a 'Set 1'
destination, is essentially like this:
ds_select_domain("2", "0");

...and route 15 contains some lines like this:

After executing the code outlined above, a SIP trace shows that OpenSIPS
sends two identical INVITE requests to one magrathea address. The two
INVITE's are sent almost simultaneously. Is this an error? I would expect to
see one INVITE to one address or maybe one to each address (parallel
forking), but not two to one address.

John Quick
Smartvox Limited
Web: www.smartvox.co.uk

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