Dear Bogdan-Andrei

I've tried to asign a new group for this providers, (group 3, I can't
asign it to group 0 because this group is used by another type of
users). I've filled dr_groups registers with this new information,
(dr_gateways was filled before, on 1.8 release):

select * from dr_gateways;
| id | gwid                | type | address        | strip | pri_prefix
| attrs | probe_mode | description       |
|  1 | Provider_0          |    2 | XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX|     0 | NULL
| NULL  |          0 | Provider0_incoming|

select * from dr_groups;
| id | username          | domain          | groupid | description
| 24 | Provider_0        |  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX|       3 |
Provider0_incoming        |

And the new configuration:

        } else if (is_from_gw()) {
                # request comes from gw

        } else if (is_from_gw("3","n")) {
                # request comes from gw with strange udp-ports

With this configuration, the is_from_gw() directive is working right for
providers without dr_groups db information and using 5060 port, but the
is_from_gw("3","n") aren't working, it don't match with providers of
group 3 and working with ports diferents of 5060.

¿Are this configuration wrong?.

Thankyou very much for your help.


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-----Mensaje original-----
De: Bogdan-Andrei Iancu <>
Para: OpenSIPS users mailling list <>
Cc: "\"Miguel J.\" López Valverde" <>
Asunto: Re: [OpenSIPS-Users] use of is_from_gw directive from drouting
Fecha: Wed, 15 May 2013 20:59:47 +0300

Hello Miguel,

Starting with 1.9, DR module does SIP wise resolving of the destination
(in order to find all the IPs behind the a FQDN, via NATPR, SRV and A
lookups). A side effect is that according to SIP, no port means 5060.

In your case, the "n" flag should do the trick - but I understand that
when using it, your problem is what group to use (by the way, "" group
is translated to group 0 ) . Are your GWs in various groups?


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05/15/2013 04:16 AM, Miguel J. López Valverde wrote: 

> Dear UserList Opensips:
>     I used drouting with OpenSips 1.8.0 release, the gateways list was
> in the dr_gateways table and no ports where configurated in it. For
> incoming calls wasn't necesary.
>     Now, I upgrade OpenSips to 1.9.1 release and for incoming calls
> from a few providers, I can't do match they whith the "is_from_gw()"
> directive. I tried in this diferents forms:
>         is_from_gw(), OpenSips start and providers with 5060-udp port
> match fine, but a few providers who employ other random ports haven't
> match.
>         is_from_gw("", "n"), OpenSips start but incoming calls haven't
> match with the gateways on dr_gateways table.
>         is_from_gw("-1", "n"), OpenSips don't start.
>         is_from_gw("diferents_formats", "n"), OpenSips start but
> incoming calls haven't match with the gateways on dr_gateways table.
>     Then I need to ask you...
>     ¿How I have to use the is_from_gw directive with "n" parameter and
> dr_gateways table with the list of incoming calls providers?.
>     ¿Which is the field on the dr_gateways table where i can make
> match with type parameter on the is_from_gw directive?.
> Thanyou very much and best regards.
> Miguel J. López. 
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