Change the SIP clients you are using :) - find ones to follow the
RFC3261 :).

What you attached is not a trace, but s screenshot of your wireshark -
useless ; what I need is the actual pcap file.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05/18/2013 08:36 AM, sermj 2012 wrote:
> Dear Bodgan,
> Thank you  very much for your prompt response.
> can you please advice me ,Is there any way to overcome this issue.
> I am, attaching sip capture using wireshark.
> Thanks in advance
> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 9:26 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
> < <>> wrote:
>     Well, the traces are not complete - I do not see the starting
>     INVITE. Anyhow, looking that BYE, I see it has no Route hdr, thing
>     that confirms my suspicion on a bogus UA you are using.
>     Regards,
>     Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>     OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>     On 05/17/2013 04:22 PM, sermj 2012 wrote:
>>     Dear Bodgan,
>>     Thank you very much for your reply,
>>     Please find below the attachments, which are SIP captures (using
>>     ngrep). i hope this will give you a more complete picture.
>>     I believe your suspection, Please suggest me to solve this issue.
>>     I hope you could help me.
>>     On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 4:25 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>     < <>> wrote:
>>         Hello,
>>         Script look ok - what I suspect is that one of the end points
>>         messes up the Record-Routes in the messages, so the
>>         sequential requests (ACK, BYE) cannot be properly routed.
>>         To confirm this I need to see a SIP capture (ngrep) for the
>>         whole call, showing full messages (what you had in the first
>>         email was just an opensips log).
>>         Regards,
>>         Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>         OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>         On 05/16/2013 02:39 PM, sermj 2012 wrote:
>>>         Dear Bodgan,
>>>         Thank you for your fast response.
>>>         Ya i am using default configuration file (opensips.cfg).
>>>         below find the attachment for the same.
>>>         And i am getting this '404 not here' response for the SIP
>>>         request  'BYE' ,which you can see in previous message
>>>         attachment file. Where is my Opensips server ,
>>>         192. 168.2.97 and are Wi-Fi enabled VoIP clients.
>>>         In this calling process,while after received the call, in
>>>         callee its showing like 'waiting for ACK'.
>>>         But the SMS is working fine with the same configurations.
>>>         awaiting your reply,
>>>         I hope you could help me.
>>>         On Thu, May 16, 2013 at 2:00 PM, Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>         < <>> wrote:
>>>             Hello,
>>>             For what SIP requests do you get the "404 not here"
>>>             reply ? Also, are you using the default opensips cfg file ?
>>>             Regards,
>>>             Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
>>>             OpenSIPS Founder and Developer
>>>             On 05/16/2013 10:33 AM, sermj 2012 wrote:
>>>>             Hi All,
>>>>             My VoIP clients are registerd with opensips.
>>>>             When i tried to call other end client, i can hear only
>>>>             one way audio in clients (In caller),somewhere is going
>>>>             wrong and i am not getting audio (Voice) in both sides.
>>>>             By using tshark tracer i can see there is an '404 not
>>>>             here' status code.
>>>>             PS: I am working under standalone network
>>>>             infrastructure, and VoIP phones are Wi-Fi enabled.
>>>>             I just reinstalled my operating system (Ubuntu 10.04)
>>>>             and Opensips for several times,but unable to resolve
>>>>             this issue.
>>>>             what may be the reason for this '404 Not here' issue?
>>>>             and how can i solve it?
>>>>             Please help me, i have just stuck with this issue from
>>>>             last 15 days.
>>>>             Find the attachment, which is sip trace file.
>>>>             I hope you could help me...
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