
Thanks to the help in debugging this, the bug was found and a patch is
available for testing (see attached). Please have it tested and let me
know if it fixes the problem.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05/16/2013 07:28 PM, Ronald Cepres wrote:
> Drouting crashes when selecting next gateway. Did a little
> investigation, and FWIW the next gateway's carrier status is disabled
> but the carrier's only gateway is enabled. Looked at the backtrace of
> the core dump, and found that it crashed while comparing two strings
> on get_gw_by_id called by use_next_gw. The strings compared were
> apparently GW ID strings.
> I attached the GDB btfull logs (replaced some sensitive info with
> dummy text) for reference. Take note that 'dont optimize' flag was not
> set so some of the values were optimized and the crash happened
> randomly so I can't actually reproduce the crash.
> I'm using Opensips 1.9 using this source
> tarball: http://opensips.org/pub/opensips/latest/src/opensips-1.9.0_src.tar.gz
> -- 
> Regards,
> Ronald Cepres
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