Hi Khaled,

Check the return code of the use_next_gw() - if there is no other GW to
be used (all used), the function will return false and, of course, no
gw_id or rule_attrs will be available.


Bogdan-Andrei Iancu
OpenSIPS Founder and Developer

On 05/22/2013 09:41 PM, M.Khaled W Chehab wrote:
> Dears
> I am using opensips 1.8.3 with do_routing module
> From documentation:
> The name of the avp for storing the id of the current selected
> gateway/destination - once a new destination is selected (via the
> use_next_gw() function), the AVP will be updated with the ID of the
> new selected gateway/destination.
>                             xlog("----------------after issue 2 gw:
> $avp(gw_id) ... and attrs : $avp(rule_attrs) ----------------------");
>                             use_next_gw();
>                            xlog("----------------before issue 2 gw:
> $avp(gw_id) .. and attrs : $avp(rule_attrs) ----------------------");
> debug
> ----------------after issue 2 gw: Snell_93 ... and attrs : 1
> ----------------------
> ----------------before issue 2 gw: <null> .. and attrs : <null>
> ----------------------
> How to force do_routing function to store the : $avp(gw_id)after
> use_next_gw();
> Regards
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