

I am using opensips 1.8.3,


In the do_routing("$cusid","FW") I allow fail over and weight,

Moreover  I create  a two dial rules with  same priority and   prefix
1578,157     and assign to 1578 gwlist  #USA   that includes gw1 and gw2 to

& for dial rule 157  I assign  gwlist gw3 


The dialed number is:   15782626262 

As I allow fail over so, if the call didn't succeed in connecting through
#USA (dial rule prefix 1578) it will jump to   the shortest  match  rule
that has a dial rule  prefix 157  and go to gw3 


Since I am in need to have both scenarios (failover and denting  failover) ,

My question is :how can I set a flag  or anything can do       after rule
prefix  1578  to allow or disallow the failing over 


I try to add an attribute flag (1  is  blocked  ,0 allow fail over)  on
dr_rules and get it  before use_next_gw()   ,but in this case only the call
will go to gw1 




if($dlg_val("routeblock")=="1") {

xlog("L_INFO", "--Route 6---StickCheck------avp :




Please advice 



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